A few Twitter migrants have told me, "I...

A few Twitter migrants have told me, "I don't care about all this Fediverse technology, I just want to remake Twitter."

You can't remake Twitter. It's impossible. An understanding of the technology will demonstrate why it's impossible.

The reason why the Fediverse cannot be Twitter is because they're trying to solve different problems.

Twitter: To collect and publish data through a centralized service, for one corporation to exclusively monetize it

Fediverse: To disseminate data through a decentralized protocol(s), allowing *anyone* to build with it

Why won't the Fediverse suggest people for you to follow? That's not the Fediverse's job.

Why can't you see a curated home feed built around your customized interests? That's not the Fediverse's job.

Why isn't there a universal archive of status updates available through search? That's not the Fediverse's job.

To give a weird analogy:

Twitter is a newspaper delivery boy. All he sends you is a carefully curated selection of news, editorials, and ads.

The Fediverse is your postwoman. She sends many letters and packages -- of varying content and sizes. She doesn't editorialize your mail. She doesn't even know what's being delivered to you. If she picked and chose which and what to send and receive, she'd be fired.

One more reason why it's good to know why understanding how the Fediverse's technology is important.

This is so important.

I talk about it so much that I'm almost sick of hearing myself harp on about it.

The Fediverse can't be owned by a billionaire -- it's literally impossible.

In theory, Elon Musk could buy mastodon.social. He could employ all the developers who work on the Fediverse. He might even trademark Fediverse Corporation™.

But he can't own the Fediverse because the technology makes it impossible.

To those who say, "The technology isn't important, I just want to remake the Twitter that existed before Elon Musk bought it" -- Twitter is what it is now because its technology made it possible for a billionaire to acquire it.

Don't want social media to be acquired by the likes of Elon Musk?

Use the Fediverse, a collection of technologies for which that's impossible to happen.